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These photos were taken on a beach in Spain over several years and are part of an ongoing series titled Women of Cadaqués. 

With candor and a touch of humor, it shows the importance of companionship and the dynamics of the female elder community of Cadaqués. These scenes are very common in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula and are truly inherent to the country's culture. These women are central to the village's life and truly the pillars of their community.

The series also reflects on the notion of aging and how time expresses itself through us, through our bodies. 
Despite recent efforts at embracing inclusivity, the ever-present skewed representation of the female body as an embodiment of eternal youth has frequently failed to depict reality, conveying aging as a harsh sentence inflicted upon women. Yet, as someone that has experienced body dysmorphia, I found that time was an ally, a way for me to free myself from these injunctions and move towards acceptance.

Photography has also been a tool for me to explore the female body, first through self-portraits, then by observing the bodies of others. I especially like to watch people on the beach in the summer. A place and time where people uncover themselves and through their nudity, their curves, wrinkles, tattoos, or scars, reveal a part of their history and identity. These indelible marks are the sign of the passing years, but above all, the signature of life, in all its beauty and fatality. 

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